Professional Advisors

Professional Advisors & Community Foundations Working Together on Charitable Giving
With 84% of Canadians contributing to charity on an annual basis, charitable giving can be an important part of your client’s overall financial plan.
Add charitable planning to your practice – or enhance what you already do – with practical online tools and resources designed for you and your clients.
With more than 80 years of charitable experience, Community Foundations can help you build a stronger relationship with your client and make a difference in your community at the same time.
Did you know?
Research shows that only 7% of Canadians would leave money to charity in their will, in the absence of a specific discussion around charitable giving. However, if the issue is raised with them, perhaps when drawing up a will or financial plan, the figure rises to 27% – more than a three-fold increase.
Click Here for the Community Foundations of Canada Professional Advisors Resource
Click Here for more information about securities as a charitable gift option.
Your client can establish a fund using a wide variety of assets, including cash and appreciated securities. These assets can be given now, or later, as part of an estate plan.
Creating a fund with a Community Foundation is considerably less expensive than creating a private foundation. Your clients can take advantage of our effective management at an efficient price.
Your Client doesn’t have to be a Billionaire to be a Philanthropist
An endowed fund in your clients’ name can be created and designed to support one or more charitable organizations in perpetuity.
Giving with Impact
We work with your clients and their families to establish and achieve their philanthropic goals with the biggest positive impact on them and their causes.
Connecting Across Generations
When you help your clients and their families establish a fund with us, we can connect across generations to involve the whole family in philanthropy – now and for the future.
Make a Difference in the lives of your Clients
By partnering with the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies, you will help your clients bring their families together around philanthropy, and help them leave a meaningful legacy in our community.
Please Note: As per a recent ruling, the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR) does not accept donations in the form of life insurance policies. CFKR can continue to be listed as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.