CFKR Continues to Hold Funds Designated for a Homeless Shelter in Cranbrook

Cranbrook, BC (December 9, 2020) – The Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR) recognizes the well-documented need for a homeless shelter in Cranbrook and is deeply honoured to hold $224,486.03, specifically for this purpose.

CFKR’s role as the steward of these funds began several years ago, as CFKR assisted with fundraising and project planning costs related to The Salvation Army’s proposed homeless shelter project.

The Salvation Army has recently confirmed that they will not be proceeding with their shelter project and agrees that these funds should be made available to those community organizations who, in partnership with BC Housing, are proceeding with a shelter project.  

The CFKR Board continues to carefully steward these funds, including actively monitoring potential homeless shelter projects in the community.

According to Michele Bates, CFKR Board Chair, “We would like to share our heartfelt appreciation with each and every person and business who has donated to this cause over the years, through past events such as the Stone Soup Challenge and the Miracle on Baker Street.”

“The Community Foundation looks forward to connecting with our community partners regarding this much-needed community service, to support our community members who are experiencing homelessness,” Bates added.