Local non-profits benefit from Optik TV
Cranbrook and District Community Foundation gets $25 from TELUS with your vote
For every new Optik TV subscriber on the Fibre Optic Network in Cranbrook, TELUS will donate $25 to a local participating charity.
The Cranbrook and District Community Foundation (CDCF) is very excited to be included as one of the non-profits in the TELUS Fibre for Good program.
“It’s fabulous when you see organizations stepping up and thinking about ways to incorporate philanthropy into everyday business,” says Riley Wilcox, executive director of the CDCF. “We are very excited to be part of this initiative, and are in good company with the Blue Lake Forest Education Society, the Boys & Girls Club, Cranbrook Food Bank Society, and the Cranbrook Public Library.”
If you’ve already signed up for Optik TV in Cranbrook, watch for an email in the coming weeks inviting you to vote for a non-profit organization in your community to receive the donation.
“No one knows the specific needs of a community better than those who live there, which is why we feel so strongly about giving residents in Cranbrook the ability to influence which organizations our donations benefit,” said Steve Jenkins, TELUS General Manager for the Southern Interior. “Each organization is deserving, and by placing the power in our customers’ hands, we anticipate all four organizations will get the hand up that they need and deserve.”
The Cranbrook and District Community Foundation is committed to creating a healthy, safe, vibrant and inclusive community. It does this, in part, by strategically and responsibly investing the donations of caring local citizens by means of permanent endowment funds that provide stable annual grants back to the community.
“New Optik TV subscribers who vote for us will help ensure local non-profit organizations are supported through a sustainable source of annual funding that is not only permanent, but grows stronger every year,” says Wilcox.
Check out telus.com/Cranbrook to learn more about the TELUS Fibre for Good program or visit cranbrookcf.genex.tempurl.host to find out more about your Community Foundation.